Monday, April 03, 2006

Investments beating Inflation Welcome to the blogger club - Good start Giri !! I agree with you. But, it is not possible for everyone to beat inflation. You also don't get proper financial planner to plan the finances of middle class people. All insurance agents and mutual fund agents are making hay while sun shines.

You know one thing, there are many people who are well educated and put most of their savings into worthless insurance policies. The agent is the giant killer here, he calls the investory umpteen number of times before he invests and once investment is done the agent reaps the benefit.

How many people know what is the return they get from their insurance policies. The agents somehow sell the policy. The investors doesn't know for what they are taking these policies. It is better to spend them now or opt for a pure life policy. The exposure for insurance should only be as insurance, but for Indians it is investment. :-) God save investors (who don't know for what reason they are investing) !! :P


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